Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce is a different way for a divorcing couple to resolve their disputes. The spouses, their attorneys, and other professionals work together to negotiate a settlement that is optimal for their family. The parties and their attorneys commit to resolving disputes without going to court and sign an agreement preventing the parties' attorneys from representing the spouses in any disputed court proceeding. The focus is on constructive problem solving, rather than on adversarial bargaining and court imposed resolutions.

Unlike litigation, the Collaborative Divorce is private, cooperative, and can be more efficient. It reduces the stress often experienced in litigation, and the outcome is designed to fit the specific needs of each family. It avoids court orders which may not benefit either of the parties or their children. The parties are not bound by the current law, which a judge must abide by. They can design a truly tailor-made solution specific to their circumstances rather than having to follow a "cookie cutter" approach so often seen in litigated cases. The parties work with a team of attorneys, coaches, and other professionals trained in the collaborative process who assist the spouses with developing several possible solutions to their disputes and guide them into choosing the one best suited for their family.

The collaborative process may not work for all divorcing spouses or partners. A couple who is willing and able to take an active part in designing solutions to their disputes, and are comfortable with having control over decisions that will impact their future, are good candidates for this process.